Chris Hani Hospital

  • 26 Chris Hani Road
  • Johannesburg

Who are we?

The Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital is the 3rd largest hospital in the world, occupying around 173 acres (0.70 km2), with approximately 3'200 beds and about 6'760 staff members. The facilities are housed in 429 buildings with a total surface area of 233'795 m2. Approximately 70% of all admissions are emergencies, including approximately 160 victims of gunshot wounds per month. Accident, emergency and ambulance represent the busiest services, counting over 350 daily patients. Every year, about 150'000 inpatient and 500'000 outpatient cases are registered.

Recent Activity

August 29

Community Manager 2 @Chris Hani Hospital shared a video: WATCH \

2 years ago

Community Manager 2 @Chris Hani Hospital shared a video: WATCH \

2 years ago

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